What is channel bonding?

   A slow internet connection bother alot. But there is a solution for that called as channel bonding.

Channel bonding:-

Channel Bonding is nothing but using multiple internet connection simultaneously to boost you're internet speed. Usually service providers limit your data usage in your area. If you want more bandwidth than your service providers gives you then you can combine two different network into one channel to boost the internet speed. There are some concepts regarding channel bonding.

Load balancing:-

Load balancing as the name suggests balancing the load of traffic into two or more internet provider by splitting the traffic.  For load balancing you definitely need a router that is capable of multiple WAN connections. 

Channel bonding works  kind of same like load balancing. Channel bonding splits the web traffic at the packet data level among the multiple internet connections. The channel bonding is even effective when you want to download large file because the traffic is  split at the low level that is packet data level. The load balancing splits your network traffic while channel bonding combines many different internet connections into one. The companies like SharePoint provides you with a device in which one can plug in multiple internet connections. In this case your data is securely send to the company over a multiple internet connection.  The company processes it and sends you the response.

Using softwares you can channel bond your LTE connection and Wi-Fi. Speedify is the application that allows you to do so. Speedify is essentially a VPN that is virtual private network. As the name suggests it helps to speed of the internet using the channel bonding. Speedify have apps for windows,MacOS and Android.


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