Origin Of Bluetooth: Viking King Harald Bluetooth


We all know the name Bluetooth. Its a wireless technology, and we all know how much it impacts our lives. Almost each and every person owning smartphones or headphones use Bluetooth. In 1996, Intel, Nokia and Ericsson met to plan the standardization of a short range radio technology to support connectivity between different products. During that meting, Intel suggested Bluetooth as a temporary name for this technology. Bluetooth was only intended as a place holder until marketing could come up with something really cool.

Later, when it came to select serious name, Bluetooth was about to replace with either ratio wave or PAN(Personal Area Network). But the name Bluetooth already had thousands of hits on the internet. So the plan of changing the name from Bluetooth to PAN was dropped.The Bluetooth logo is a bind rune merging the younger Futhark runes(Hagall) and (Bjarkan), Haralds initials.

Bluetooth Logo

The person behind name Bluetooth:-

Bluetooth was named after a tenth-century king, Harald Bluetooth, king of Denmark and Norway. Bluetooth is an anglicized version of Harald Blaatand, who was known for his unification of previously warring tribes from Denmark.


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